I'm cumming, Hyung

I stared at the toys on the table. Some of the dildos were half as big as the twin's cock, and some were a few inches close. And there were also egg-sized vibrators.

"What's with this?" I asked, referring to the dildo that had bumps all over.

"Ah, recommendations said it makes the insides feel different in a good way and stimulates you so your mind melts with pleasure. In other words, it's really good." Seojin answered with a smile. "Would you...mm... like to try it out?"

"I... I'll look at the rest first."

A bumpy dildo might feel great but... What was with that size? It was too small.

If they were doing this to prepare me to take in theirs, shouldn't they have bought one that was closer to their size?

"Apparently," Seojin spoke up as if reading my mind. "It was recommended to start with small dildos...ngh... in order to prepare you to take in a big cock. So...haah... we're just following professional advice."