How could he not love...?

"I'm a coward." He said. "Just like now, I don't think I can ever be there to comfort you if you cry so bitterly. I... I want to, but I can't bring myself to face you, and the thought of it crushes me entirely." He clutched his chest. "How can I claim to love you and want to protect you if I cannot even do something so simple as to comfort you?"

"It's not simple." Seojin said, "Just like you, I found it hard. After walking in, every fiber in my body ached staring at the pain in Hyung's eyes. But I was already there. He was in front of me. I could not walk away just because I was scared of his pain. I believe I would've been in your shoes if you had been the first to walk in." He glanced at Dongwoo. "I guess if you're so deep in love like that, it hurts like the pain belongs to you. It can't be helped."


Dongwoo's heart raced. He didn't think that hearing those words would touch his heart so much.