Don't you... dare... hurt my brother!

"... Who are you?" Dongwoo asked, staring at this unfamiliar woman holding his hand.

The fact that she knew his real name was suspicious.

The twins, from where they were, turned their heads towards Dongwoo, wondering who it was, if they were a troublemaker like everyone else who had walked in that door aggressively, or if she was someone he knew.

Just then, Minwoo rushed in, disheveled, as if he had been fighting a pack of monkeys.

"Mother!" He yelled, causing everyone to turn to him. "You have to stop this right away. You're embarrassing yourself." He rushed towards them, and Dongwoo tore his gaze from Minwoo and back to the woman holding his hand.

This was... Dongwoo's mother? Then, didn't that mean...?

She glared at Minwoo, her eyes filled with disdain, and then shifted her gaze to Dongwoo, hurriedly saying the words,

"I'm your mother." She said, and Dongwoo's heart skipped a beat.