Shall we head home?

That evening, they gathered at a five-star restaurant in a private booth. Aside from the people Dongwoo expected to be present, there were two more guests.

Jaehoo and Haejoo.

As soon as Allegra saw Haejoo, a certain feeling enveloped his heart, and so did Haejoo.

Looking at Allegra, he was almost moved to tears, but he couldn't cry in front of his Juniors, so he strengthened his heart.

"How long has it been?" He subconsciously asked, taking a seat next to her and she shook her head gently.

"I don't know." She looked at him and smiled. "You tell me."

Seojin and Seojun looked at them with a little irked and irritated expression.

"If you two want to get at it, get a room." Seojun said, picking up his chopsticks.

"You'll spoil the atmosphere if you suddenly start acting like that. Be a little more restrained." Seojin added and then turned to Dongwoo. "Hyung, eat this." He gullibly dropped some meat on Dongwoo's plate.