I'll carry you, Hyung

Dongwoo couldn't believe what had just happened. No, he was still in that nightmare, wasn't he? He looked at Lily's once beautiful white shiny fur dyed red.

Seojun's face was twisted in rage as he walked towards the lifeless body of their attacker. He kicked the gun away from the man's hand and kicked the body.

How dare he? How dare he kill Dongwoo's cat? How dare he even think of ambushing them?

As soon as he heard the gunshot, he rushed out and saw what was going on. He didn't need to be told before he pulled his trigger. He saved them but... He could not save Lily.

Dongwoo's eyes were still fixed on Lily's lifeless body. He felt like he'd been punched in the gut. Lily, his lovely and majestic Lily, had sacrificed herself to save him.

Lily was... Dead... right in front of him, lying on the floor lifeless.

His vision was getting blurry. This wasn't true, was it? Please, he couldn't handle it.