We're family, Hyung

"Ah," Dongwoo exclaimed. "A birthday surprise party? For... For me?" He looked around confused and they all nodded. "Today is my birthday?" He asked and Minwoo nodded.

"Yes, happy birthday Hyung, nor fess up!" He wrapped his arms around Dongwoo's neck. "Everyone prepared this for you because we all care and love you."

Dongwoo was speechless, staring at their smiles and then at the cake.

Ah, so this was what a surprise party looked like.

His insides were squishy all of a sudden. It was as if there were butterflies in his stomach.

No one had ever thrown him a birthday party before. No one had ever made him feel so seen, so loved so the feeling made him a bit... Emotional, and before he knew it, his eyes had started welling up in tears.

"My birthday," He said through his barely opened mouth. "my surprise party," he walked towards the twins and looked at the cake. "My cake. This is all... For me?"