Realization And Rage

With the realization of his helplessness, something strange came to Nolan's heart—a strange will to blame others for his own inefficiencies.

His mind began searching for someone to blame for his situation.

And it found none other than the system to blame.

But was it really the system that was at fault?

Did it force him here? Was there anything the system wanted for him, if not for him to grow stronger—something that aligned with his own wish for freedom?

So why was he blaming the system like a loser?

"Tch, I'm an idiot." Nolan cursed himself as he slowly tore himself out of the crater.

Right now, he could see the nightmarish creatures had closed in on him.

Fight and die, or keep running and eventually face your death.

Those were the only two choices that awaited him, yet they led to the same ending.
