Too Many Questions...

"I understand..." Nolan replied as he closed his eyes, his fist in his hands. But soon, they unfurled, and he slammed backward onto the bed.

'There are many things, many questions I don't understand,' Nolan thought to himself.

Truly, there were thousands of questions in his mind, none of which he had answers to, and they only grew more and more numerous, the stronger he got.

The system had mentioned that the academy was ignoring him even though he was a treasure worth dying for, and that brought about the question: just why did the academy choose to ignore him?

He might be considered trash, but an entity like the academy should be brilliant enough to realize he was a trash with an incredibly useful ability.

Yet, they still ignored him.

What was the reason for that?

Were they scared of him?

But why would they be scared of him?

He was weak, and didn't even have any reputable background.