It Arrives

The dazzling rays of sunlight shone through the shiny white window panes, bringing with them an extra warmth and a pure, invigorating air into the luxurious-looking bedroom.

Immediately, a pair of crimson and blue eyes opened up, looking straight at the peeking golden sun in the distance.

A grin slowly curved up his face.

"Finally," Nolan said gleefully as he jumped off the bed.

Immediately, his hands moved as he grabbed at the bed sheet dusting it before making his bed properly.

Once he was done with his first work, he immediately walked away, skipping into the bathroom with a little pep in his step.

Taking a refreshing morning bath, Nolan grabbed his bag, and packed his belongings.

He carefully selected and replaced his book with seven pairs of clothes—those he had prepared for the mission's duration over the past few days.