Fourarmed Berserk Ape Gone Berserk!

Li Yun immediately stored all his belongings in his storage ring and jumped to the top of a tree.

'It's about to start.'

This was the moment he had been waiting for.

'It should be in there.'

He thought, looking at the cave at the base of the mountain.


The Four-armed Berserk Ape roared again and began attacking Mu Tai and Wang Min.

"Damn, it's gone berserk!" Wang Min cursed as he saw the beast charging toward them.

"Don't worry too much. I've heard that when a beast like this goes berserk, it's a last-ditch effort. It will die soon after the berserk state ends, so we just need to hold on until then," Mu Tai assessed the situation and explained to Wang Min.

"If you say so," Wang Min replied with an ugly expression. Even though there was only a small realm difference between the 4th and 5th levels of Qi Training, it was very difficult for martial artists to cross realms to fight, especially for them, who were only at the 3rd level of the Qi Training Realm.

The Fourarmed Berserk Ape's attack reached them at that moment, its four fists pounding down on them.

Wang Min and Mu Tai both jumped back just in time, dodging the attack, but the impact of the four monstrous fists on the ground sent shockwaves through the earth.

Dust filled the entire area, making it impossible for the beast or the two disciples to see each other. However, unlike the beast, the disciples could see the huge shadow of the Four-armed Berserk Ape in the dust.

Seeing that the beast had just attacked, Wang Min wanted to use the dust as cover to counterattack, but Mu Tai's warning came again.


"Tsk." Wang Min clicked his tongue in frustration and retreated alongside Mu Tai.

"Do not attack the beast. It will only make it even more berserk. We can only evade its attacks and hope it runs out of steam soon," Mu Tai advised Wang Min.

Wang Min nodded with an ugly expression before remembering that hateful guy.

Turning around, he intended to see where that kid was hiding, but he found no trace of him.

"Damn, he ran away after stealing all those points!"

He cursed that guy's hundred generations, but didn't pursue him. The Four-armed Berserk Ape was their current target.


Li Yun stared at the entrance of the cave. He had been waiting for an opportunity to enter the cave from the very beginning, so when dust filled the area, blinding both the Four-armed Berserk Ape and Wang Min and Mu Tai, he seized the chance and snuck in.

'Let's go in.'

He entered the cave and walked a few steps as he surveyed the interior.

It wasn't a deep cave, and he could see the end of it from the moment he entered.

Without wasting time, he headed straight to the end of the cave, where a bright lotus with three petals caught his eye.

"It's the Three Petal Lotus!" he exclaimed.

Li Yun was shocked but not surprised. He had expected the Four-armed Berserk Ape's cave to contain a heavenly treasure, which is why he had eagerly come when Mo Han mentioned the beast's identity.

The Four-armed Berserk Ape was a very special beast. It wouldn't live just anywhere and would seek out places rich in Qi. Its preferred locations were those where heavenly treasures were born.

After finding such a place, it would make it home and live there until the treasure grew to its highest potential before consuming it. Then, it would begin searching for another such place.

But what shocked Li Yun was the Three Petal Lotus. It wasn't just any heavenly treasure; it was a top-grade human-rank treasure.

"Hehe, this is good. I searched for gold but found diamond."

Li Yun wasted no time, carefully uprooting the lotus, placing it in a jade box, and storing it away.

"It's done. Now only the last Beastbane Root needs to be found," he muttered before thoroughly checking the entire cave to see if he had missed anything valuable, but he was disappointed.

He found nothing else of interest. Aside from the heavenly treasure, all that remained were some battered and broken weapons and some unidentifiable items.

"What's that?"

At this moment, something bright caught Li Yun's eye at the very corner of the cave. 

Curious, he headed over and looked closely.

He saw a shining metal or a piece of metal embedded in the wall.

"Is this stuck in the wall?"

Whatever it was, it seemed to be stuck, with only a small portion visible. That was the part that had been shining and caught Li Yun's attention.

Taking out his sword, he dug around it and extracted it.

"Is this a cauldron?"

Li Yun was pleasantly surprised by what he found. It was a grey, shining cauldron double the size of his head, with four handles on top resembling dragons, their mouths facing the direction of the lid.

"Huh, it stopped shining."

The cauldron stopped shining a moment later, appearing like an ordinary cauldron.

"But why was it shining before?"

Li Yun pondered and inspected the cauldron carefully but couldn't find anything unusual.

"Anyway, it's good that I found this. It should be a top-grade human-rank spirit treasure based on its material, but I'll have to make some pills to determine its actual rank," Li Yun muttered to himself and put the cauldron away.

The cauldron his mother gave him was fine, but it was designed for those who couldn't cultivate and required a furnace to use. However, the shining cauldron he found was made for alchemists.

Alchemist was a very profound and respected profession in the entire Greenwood Empire, but since he couldn't practice martial arts before, his path of alchemy, although great, wasn't acknowledged.

Real alchemists were those who condensed spirit flames inside their bodies, something that could only be done with cultivation.

Thinking about condensing his own spirit flames, Li Yun felt excited.

"The world of martial arts is very exciting, and I've only just begun my journey. I wonder how far I can go, and if I can reach the peak of martial arts that father talked about," he mused.

His father had mentioned many things about martial arts, and one of the most intriguing was the part where he said that if one became the strongest person in the Soaring Heaven Continent, they would automatically understand the peak of martial arts.

"That's still too far..."

Li Yun shook his head, hearing the sounds of rampage from the Fourarmed Berserk Ape. He decided to wait until the noise subsided before venturing out.