Chapter 10: The Tiny Menace


"Chii, chii.

"Chii…hii hii."

With Eduardo gone, what was once his and Shakira's kingdom of trash has now been completely ransacked and desecrated by the Hoarders. Of course, it was still a mountain of trash, but it was a neat mountain of trash — but now, everything was out of place.

The canal that flows near the area, now completely murky as the Hoarders removed the makeshift filter that Shakira made so that the water would, at the very least, be potable for their kind. The mountain was also almost completely gone, scattered everywhere as they seemed to have tried to search for anything they could use.

"Chii!" Their main leader, the Hoarder King, was currently sitting on top of what was left of the trash mountain, pointing his fingers everywhere and ordering his subordinates to do all sorts of stuff, "Chii… Chii…?"

The Hoarder King suddenly stood up from his throne that was made with a large can of tuna as he spotted something from the distance, "Chii!"

And as soon as he pointed at the nearing silhouette, all the mutated rats stopped what they were doing and created a sort of perimeter to welcome, or perhaps ambush their unexpected visitor.

"Ha… all of you really moved in, huh?" And of course, the unexpected visitor was none other than Lucian, carrying Shakira's corpse above his head using his gooey hair, "And you even messed with Eduardo's collection, great. Just great."

Lucian could really only talk to himself as he approached closer and closer and saw the poor state of their home. But very soon, however, Lucian found that he would no longer be talking to himself…

"...Intruder! Intruder."

"Ugly! Weird ugly!"

…as he truly finally understood what the mutated rats were saying.

"What the…" Lucian tilted his head to the side as he heard the words escaping the Hoarders' mouths. He then very gently placed Shakira's corpse on the ground, making sure she was completely covered by his napkin before slithering toward the group of Hoarders blocking his path back to his home, "...Are you rats actually talking?"

"Talk…? Weird ugly, talking!" The hoarders all looked at each other as they pointed at Lucian, "Chii! Ugly small! Ugly sma—Augh!"

"Speak proper English, motherfucker!" And as soon as one of the mutated rats pointing down at him took just a little step closer to him, Lucian quickly jumped up and slapped it right in the face.

And whether or not its teeth which were blown away reached the floor first, or if it was his head — no one could really tell.

The only thing they could actually tell, however, was that this small creature in front of them, only the size of a large human thumb, was not friendly at all.

"You!" Lucian then pointed at the Hoarder King who was standing on top of the trash mountain, "Come down here this instant! If you do not wish for your kind to be wiped out, you will heed my words, Rodent!"

"..." The Hoarder King did not respond at all and just stared at Lucian from afar; how could he even respond, when he could not actually hear Lucian's words since he was so small and so far away from him.

"Because of your men, I failed to bring Eduardo home and let him see his wife one last time!" Lucian, of course, was not aware of how small his voice actually was as he just continued his speech, "If you do not leave this place…"

Lucian's movements were incredibly dramatic, exaggerated, and highly unnecessary as he waved and flung his arms while talking.

"Funny. Funny Small." And of course, this caused the mutated rats to start laughing and chittering; their tiny brains, completely forgetting that this tiny creature just knocked out one of their own moments ago.

"...Then I will beat you in front of everyone, and then before you actually die — I will eat you alive for all of your men to see!"

And very soon, as a warning, Lucian's hair started moving; rattling in the air as he stared at the Hoarder King. Still, the way that Lucian's hair moved seemed to be amusing to the mutated rats as their laughter became even stronger.

"Okay then," Lucian then let out a sigh as his hair started to extend way below his feet; lifting him up as if they were spider legs, "I thought we could negotiate like civilized beings since we could not understand each other — but it would seem it is not the language that is the problem…

…all of you are just inferior."

And with that as his only warning, Lucian started to rush toward the Hoarder King; the mutated rats blocking the path, just casually blown away to the side as Lucian's hair was actually strong enough to dig through the hard ground with each step.

"Me strong!" The Hoarder King tried to flex and stretch its arms to the side to intimidate Lucian.

"Pft…" Lucian, however, could really only laugh at the attempt as the Hoarder King was nowhere near Eduardo's physique. He continued to rush toward the Hoarder King, now climbing onto the mountain of trash like a spider… before just stopping exactly an inch away from hitting the Hoarder King, looking him directly in the eyes.

"Strong!" The Hoarder King just once again tried to intimidate Lucian.

"No," Lucian, however, only smiled — and since his teeth seemed to have not yet been fully developed yet; only the tip of his fangs could be seen protruding from his gums. And then, with a small breath, Lucian held the Hoard King's face with his tiny little hands, "This is for Eduardo."

"Chi…?" The Hoarder King's eyes widened as it felt Lucian's grip practically tearing off his flesh. He then watched as Lucian leaned his head away… before just slamming it straight to his face and completely smashing and breaking all of his teeth.

"Hahaha!" Lucian then let out a small cackle while shaking his head upon seeing the Hoarder King's skull caving in, "I am not exactly sure what I look like yet… but I'm pretty sure you're worse off than me, Rodent."


"Speak properly!" Lucian then pushed the Hoarder King's head down and then slapped its already caved-in face with his snake-like lower body, "Ha… hahaha!"

He then repeated this again and again, causing the other Hoarders to just quiver where they stood — and Lucian did as he promised, he beat the Hoarder King almost to death…

…before he just started devouring him alive on top of the mountain of trash, right in front of his people.

"If none of you want to be next…" Lucian devoured the Hoarder King in one go — his goo-like body softening so he could swallow him whole. And right now, Lucian looked incredibly grotesque as the Hoarder King's entire body and shape was protruding from his stomach — they couldn't even see Lucian's head anymore. But still… they could hear him.


And so, they did.

"Good, good — and for my first and second order; clean this place up, and then bring me all the radioactive trash...

...I have a rematch with a particular scorpion soon."