Gods Era

Now that we have entered the [God] era this is where things get interesting.

So we each decided that we would create only 3000 Gods which represents the 3000 daos.

Basically each god represent a Dao, some even more.

But they can influence the laws surrounding the world which buffs them to make them literally the strongest creatures to walk this planet.

We also decided we would each create just one god who is unique and so I decided to create a blood god since I am a vampire.

I made it into a male instead of a female.

A/n: he looks like agares from second life ranker.

He was very handsome.

He can control blood which makes him a fearsome opponent.

He became one of the God Kings.

Jade emepror created a God that specializes in Lightning and the sky.

He uses a special kind of lighting however that isn't bound by this world and he can make it so anything in the sky near his presence cannot fly.

He was the second God king

A/N: Picture him as a young zeus

Gaia created a beautiful woman with long green hair and two branches coming out from the sides of her head, she has big breasts and an ass to go with it.

She was the god with the divinity of life.

She was the Third God king

Lucifer made a god with the divinity of death. It was just a Big skeleton who was pretty damn scary looking.

He became the 4th God king.

And then the commoner boy minge created a god with the divinity of farm. I know we all wondered what he is thinking.

But it looked like your everyday farmer and doesn't seem really strong but hey whatever!

He became the fifth god king.

The god kings rule over all the others so that means our creations are naturally the strongest gods born.

While they became situated after they were born there wasn't much they could do since besides the great ferocious beasts they were the only living creatures, humans haven't been born yet or any other creature.

So for eons they really didn't do anything besides rule over each other.

They tamed some ferocious beasts while some were so strong that only god kings could do anything.

However one day in the endless years a creature had been born.

It hatched out of an egg and resembled a lizard.

But it wasn't a lizard, it was something much more than that. A dragon, the first dragon born which will be known as the ancestor of all dragons.

And in a distant place far from where the dragon hatched in a beautiful cave under a volcano hatched an orange bird. With flames so powerful they can burn anything.

So hatched a phoenix..

And this Era became known as the [Dragon and phoenix era] , an era where two dominant monster species were born vying for the supremacy of heavens and earth.

They were favored by the heavenly Dao. Perhaps it wanted to get rid of the gods not borj from it so it made these new creatures. These creatures possess the power to go head to head against the gods.

The flames from the Phoenix can even harm a god king not to mention the lower gods who are instantly melted by such flames.

The dragons with their strong bodies can withstand strikes from a god king of course not many before they are turned into a corpse but it shows just how great their physical bodies are.

And so for the next few hundreds of thousands of tears nothing happened, perhaps because the newly born monsters needed time to grow and build as races.

The gods didn't mind though, they still believed they were the strongest and not even a dragon can tickle them. Innate arrogance stems in the god race.

Perhaps this is why they'll be destroyed in the future oops!


In the void:

Sitting in the middle of the void lies a luxurious palace with nothing inside but a table with 5 people around it. Each with overwhelming power which can destroy the world in a breath.

They were currently talking on the state of things in their new universe which they created.

"These gods are really arrogant, they think they can just rule over everything while not knowing fate isn't on their side." Said Lucifer.

"Well, we did create them as such you know. This is but one of the eras the world will go through." Replied the commoner boy who had grown up and is now dofferent.

"He's right lucifer, While the gods are arrogant they have a reason to be. They possess innate divinity which makes them supreme beings compared to the rest of the creatures in the world, sure for right now nobody can stand against them." The jade emperor said.

"Shall we commence with the next era then?" I asked everyone.

"The Era of demons.. I like it!" Lucifer said with a smile. He himself is a demon king afterall.

"It seems the gods will be wiped out soon.. so be it let's create demons." Gaia said.

"Lucifer we leave it up to you to create the demon world and the demons. You should have the most experience in this type of thing afterall." We let lucifer do the work of the demon era im sure he can figure everything out.

I think I'll send a wisp of my soul to reincarnate as a being on the earth. Maybe I'll become a dragon? Yea let's do that. I'll lead the dragons and unify them for the future.

I told my plan to all the others and they thought it was a good idea so they did the same, afterall even if we were to die it is only a wisp of our souls so our main bodies won't be affected.

Although whatever body we take will be the strongest since we are immensely strong ourselves.

So while I took a dragon as my next body, the commoner man took a newly created race he made called the [Farmers] they resemble humans but Are way stronger then them from birth.

The thing they are good at is farming well and can use the plants however they like. They will definitely be hard to invade that's for sure. But they are a peaceful race.

And the thing that makes them different from humans also is their heads, they have a plant sticking out from their heads.

Jade emperor decided to take a ferocious beasts as his. It was a Heaven devouring serpent which is a mutated branch from the devouring snakes. It can swallow the whole world while if it gets big enough.

A/N: can you guess which mythology snake I'm talking about ;)

And Gaia chose not to participate in this, she says she'll just watch everything from above.

Lucifer of course heard about this and since he will be creating all the demon things he decides to become the demon king in this universe.

Suits him well huh?

Now that everything is done I send my soul down along with a chest of course. We can do that afterall.

I'll give it a bloodline which no other dragon will topple, even the ancestral dragon is weaker in terms of bloodline.

Too bad it died 10000 years ago trying to fight against a god king. Foolish.

It was a waste of a female tsk.

And so starts the journey of the Dragon king~




A/N: really brushing through eras like it's candy right now. So now this is where it'll slow down and get some action going on.

I'll focus on this universe/world for a bit then I'll go back to the main world to do things.