Fallen Angels Arent Extinct?

'Ahh~ I think I'm falling in love~' the demon thought seeing the mighty Alucard helping him.

Alucard who was in the sky suddenly shivered and looked at the demon who had hearts in his eyes.

'No thanks!'

Once Alucard saw nobody was alive he flew back down and went to greet the two.

"Good job evolving while I was asleep foxie!" Alucard said to the happy fox.

"Also, if I'm not mistaken you must be the reincarnated demon guy right? Howd you find me." Alucard asked.

He figured he would be on the demon contient or something.

"Well, I escaped my death and ran here. Then I found a cave witht the fox in it coincidentally." He explained.

"Why aren't you on the demon contient?" He asked.

"Hmm? We are in the demon continent you know." He told Alucard.

'Huh? Well actually I am a demonic dragon so I suppose it makes sense.' He thought.

"Anyways, what's your plan now. Your a bit weak so."

"Well, now that I met up with you I mind as well stick with you and get stronger by your side. And then do what the mission wants us to do."

"Although, I haven't seen any otherworldly demons this mission spoke of so I'm confused." The reincarnated demon said.

"That's because from what I know they are all on the human contient, that's where the war is." Alucard said.

It seems the human contient is where the main battle is going on, albeit there is still some skirmishes on other contients but they are taken care of easily.

"I also found out that the otherworldly demons are just summoned heroes this world once summoned. It seems they rebelled and decided to summon more of their kind from their world and take over this one." Alucard said.

It was an interesting thing, summoned heroes who rebelled against the summoners and decided to summon their own kind to take over this world.

Heck, they didn't even defeat the demon lord as that guys still alive and well but he's kind of hiding.

Cliche plot we have here.


[Name: Alucard

[Race: Demonic Dragon (Adult)

[Level: 0/250

'250? Well, that's nice! It'll defientky be a couple months before I reach that even with my bonus.' He thought.

"What level are you?" Alucard asked the reincarnated demon.

"Uhhhh let me see" he opened his status

[Name: Mort

[Race: Fallen Angel (royal demonic bloodline)

[Level: 10/100

'Mort? Seriously. I'm not using that name hell no' he thought seeing his actual name.

"I am only level 10 out of 100." Mort said.

"Fuck your weak. What race are you."

"It says I am a fallen Angel with a royal demonic bloodline." Mort said with his nose high.

"A fallen Angel? According to my knowledge you guys also should be extinct so how the hell are you still here?" Alucard was confused because fallen angels were extinct even before the dragons.

"Hm? Well all I know is that I used to be a prince of the demon kingdom but then we were overthrown by some demons. I'm not sure why though." Mort said confused on why they were overthrown.

"According to what some orc told me I guess my family were bad and did things but in my memory I inherited they were kind leaders." Mort said continuing.

"Maybe because you guys were fallen angels?" Alucard said.

"Not to mention fallen Angel blood is a royal bloodline so anyone who gets their hands on it can evolve instantly and get a royal bloodline themselves." Alucard voiced his thoughts.

"But my family weren't fallen angels, they were some other species of bird." Mort said.

His family were actually a bird demon species, of course while not as prestigious as a fallen Angel bloodline the bird demon was a noble bloodline nonetheless.

But then the question is why was he a fallen Angel while they weren't?

Was he adopted? But from what he remembers in the memory he has been with that family ever since he was born.

"Hmm sometjing is fishy, it seems perhaps your memories are locked." Alucard said confused on this fellas backstory.

"First things first you need to evolve and maybe you'll learn more as you keep evolving, it happened for me." Alucard said.

"Let's get to it then, I'm very curious on my orgin also. Even though it's for this world only." Mort said.

"Let's move to a different area, this one is already compromised due to your lack of awareness, perhaps we should move contients and find the others also." Alucard proposed while they got on his back so they can go to a different place.

"Lucifer said he was an elf so let's go to the elven contient.. defiantly not because I heard elves are beautiful." Mort said with a lustful grin.

"I agree! Let's gooooo!" Alucard took off with a mighty swoosh.

And so a Dragon, A fallen Angel and a fox took off to a new contient all the while rumors of a dragon started to spread…


"Your telling me you let that kid escape? Are you guys useless or what!" An angry voice shouted from a throne.

"We-We are very sorry my lord! But it seems he had help!" The trembling orc demons said kneeling.

The figure I'm the throne was a very ugly orc who had a fat stomach. He had two women on each side of him fanning him.

Obviously the woman didn't want too but they had no choice.

"Hmm, I did hear a dragon helped him.. is that true?" The orc king asked.

"Yes! According to a demon who managed to escape there indeed was a demonic dragon and a fox who helped him." The orc said.

"Keke, a fallen Angel brat and a demonic dragon. This is better than I thought! If I get my hands on those two then who can stop me?! KAKAKAKA!" The orc demon laughed.


Then he looked towards the trembling woman on each side and lustfully smirked.

"Hehe, let's go have some fun shall we ladies?" He took them and took them back to his room where he had fun with them until they died.




Send me power stones NOW!

Also two chapters in one day, your welcome ok? So send me power stones.