It was fun disturbing Jade today. Okay, this is for real, I like this girl. I don't know what I'm going to do when my mate shows up, probably these feelings might go away, because I'm not the type to reject my mate, human or werewolf. She looked tired today. Disturbing Jade today was eventful as usual. After school, on our way to the parking lot, I gave my Beta and Gamma orders on how were going to protect the pack from those rogues. "We don't know what they want for now, but we can't let them kill people before we beef up our security" Luke and Jesse nodded.

"I need a warrior and a guard each strategically placed within the pack and at our borders, there would be shifts after every 3 hours everyday" I ordered.

"Yes Alpha" they chorused.

"And I think we need to ask John Black to come back to the pack to protect Jeanine and Jade, we don't know what's going on right now" I already gave this a great deal of thought, Jade's parents were killed by these same set of rogues, I suspect they might want to finish where they started from. My mind went back to the note that was found on that child's chest, it was stated that Crystalmoon Pack is next in line to be attacked, John Black, Jeanine and Jade included. I thought about the ugly face that was drawn on the paper, how is anyone meant to remember that. Lost in my thoughts, spotting Jade with her stupid friend Dolan or Rolan, whatever his name was, I tensed, my friends noticed and saw that idiot dragging Jade. What in the hell was going on? I frowned and glared at him when I heard what he told her due to our very good hearing. Infact, Luke and Jesse had to hold me down and drag me out of the parking lot before I could shift and expose our secret. I was dragged into the forest and I shifted partially in anger, I started hitting the trees. Luke and Jesse waited till I calmed down.

"Are you done?" Jesse asked, I slipped down a tree I was leaning on and sat down. "I don't think this is what you want to hear but I'm going to say it anyway" Luke said.

"You like Jade" I tensed but didn't do anything. Yeah, I like her, that's quite obvious. I squeezed my fists wishing I could've at least punched that idiot.

"But you're not sure she's your mate yet" Luke said.

"I think you need to give yourself and her some space, you guys, with the pranks and all that, you're bound to like yourselves no doubt, but what if that's it and you just like her"

What is this fool trying to say? 

"What happens if you guys are so into each other then your mate shows up and you have to reject her?" I growled, this was the same fool that told me Jade could be my mate. Jesse spoke up "We know that Luke also said she might be your mate but think about it, what if you discover she isn't your mate?" He asked. "It's better to cut all ties now and hurt than later" Jesse finalized.

"And what if we're mates" I glared at him. And he started scratching his head. "I haven't thought about it to that extent". I sighed, what they were saying was actually true, if we weren't mates and anything happens before I find my mate, things are not going to go well, its just going to be one messy affair, someone was going to be broken hearted one way or the other, better to nip any feelings at the bud now.

"That's his 'I agree with you' face" Luke said.

" If she's your mate, everything would fall into place" Luke said. Well, I might not like it but I have to avoid Jade, after my mate shows up, we can go back to being friends. I decided to shift and run home since my clothes were already torn. Luke and Jesse would handle my car. On my way home, I smelt a stench coming from my left close to the creek, close to the pack house, deciding to investigate, I saw another dead person, with a note and a knife embedded in the person's chest.

What the hell? This was an Omega, we always have to protect the omegas in my pack, they're the weakest and easiest for things like these to happen to. Fuck! "Luke and Jesse, carry out my orders now" I mind linked. Stalking home with the note, I told Callum to take the body to the morgue which would be inspected and then given a befitting burial. We need to have a pack meeting to sensitize everyone. This is getting real. Ughhhhhh, paperwork, I sighed, scratching my eyes. These rogues have gotten on my nerves, I really don't know how I'm going to speak to the family of the omega. First things first, I'm going to do the paperwork, which would give me time to ask Mum what I should say to the omega's family.

After what felt like 10 hours which was actually 3 hours, my Beta and Gamma stepped into my office. I showed them the note which stated: "Can you notice the pattern now? Ps: I'm enjoying this Pps: I think I like brown now"

They snarled after reading it.

"We have to look for a pattern here" I stated. "Any ideas?" I asked.

"I would've said the people that have been killed so far are people that can't really defend themselves, but what about Alpha Pierson and Jade's parents and Jeanine's mother" Luke thought out loud.

"That was the first thought that came to me" I stated.

"We need to have a closed meeting with the warriors and pack advisors" I stated, getting up.

"Tomorrow, after school, 7pm, everyone should be back from work by then" I said.

"Yes Alpha" they said and we walked out of the office and went to the kitchen. I'm starved. Entering the kitchen, I saw Jeanine which was surprising because her father was really strict and didn't allow the girls to go out much. She fake smiled at me, " I need to tell you something " she said.