Today, Sunday was such a bore.

I've been so busy with pack duties my eyes began to roll at the back of my head. Mum actually helped me, she brought very nice shortbread cookies she had been experimenting with (my mum also likes baking but she doesn't cook. Weird right?). They were nice. Thinking about the rogues trying to terrorize my pack, I put my head in my hands, rubbing my hair furiously.

Ughhh. We just need to get the leader and bring him down. Hopefully, that would make it easier to destroy the group of rogues.All of a sudden, I hear a knock on my door. I grunt for the person to come in. Luke was out training the pack wolves, I doubled training period so everyone could be ready if anyone got attacked alone, he could defend himself and run to safety.Patrick, one of the pack warriors came in and said "Alpha, you need to see this"."One of our newly recruited members brought a female human, she's unconscious ".I looked at him confused.

"Who brought the human?" I asked Patrick.

"It was Lucas, Alpha"

I really need to give ground rules with our new pack members. Some werewolves came seeking refuge a few days ago from another obliterated pack close to ours, the Puritymoon pack. I left them to settle in and all as they were still mourning the loss of their Alphas and loved ones.

Why would Lucas bring a human to the pack. Ughh. "Alpha, he said she saw him shift".

Okay, they definitely need my help with this. I stood up from my seat behind my desk with a sigh. Putting all my papers in order, without looking up, I tell Patrick "I would be there soon".

He nodded or I assume he did because after a second, I heard my door close.

Lucas is one of our new pack members. His pack, Puritymoon was destroyed. He and some of the other survivors struggled to escape from the Red Rogues. I call them the Red Rogues now because they spew blood in every pack, they attack and destroy the pack completely.To be honest, I don't know how we're going to defend our pack because in the past 2 weeks, the Red Rogues have annihilated four packs. With the subtle hints, killings and notes they seem to send to my pack without getting caught, we're not doing so well in the defense department.Walking down the hallway, outside the pack house, walking in the direction of the pack clinic as I assume that's where the unconscious human is kept. I form a masterplan.Not that I have anything against humans. But if a human got in through our borders, then our defense and security is nonexistent. Or we have a mole in this pack.Getting to the clinic brought back memories, good and bad. I went to the desk and asked the receptionist, "Where's the human?"

"Up on the 2nd floor Alpha, in room 3C" she said.

I nodded and began my ascent on the steps of the clinic. As I got close to room 3C, I got a whiff of a familiar scent which consisted of a mix of vanilla. I refused to believe who I guessed the unconscious "human" was.Opening the door, I saw her sleeping peacefully like nothing happened. Jade looked really tired and it looked like she was finally getting the sleep she deserved. Why she was unconscious is the question here. She had welts on her palms which were healing up."What happened here?" I asked facing the doctor, trying to process how she got into the pack.

"Lucas brought her in, said she fainted after she helped him remove a silver dagger from his stomach, Alpha" Dr. Martin said.

I heard the door open and Lucas, the very person I wanted to see, stepped in munching a snack. He paused when he saw me and greeted "Alpha ""Yeah, Lucas, how are you?" I started.

"Dr. Martin said the human helped remove a silver dagger from your stomach " I said wanting him to complete the story.

"Yes Alpha, she was there at the right time I guess, I would've died had she waited for someone else to help".

"Wait, backup. From the top" I said wanting to understand what happened.

"I was attacked by the Red Rogues, they were about to finish me off when they heard a noise and ran away". Lucas finished.

Why did Jade come so close to the pack, she could've been killed."She was about to get help but I told her to remove the silver dagger in my stomach. Alpha I think I spooked her, I was in wolf form, and then I shifted involuntarily infront of her" Lucas said.I tried processing this. That means she either knows about werewolves now or she thinks she's crazy. The silver dagger she pulled from Lucas's abdomen explains the welts on her palms."But I don't understand how she wasn't really affected by the silver dagger" Lucas said mulling."She's half human half werewolf, her parents didn't let her know about our world before they died" I explained to Lucas.

"Oh, that explains why she was shocked when I called her a werewolf" Lucas replied.

I roll my eyes, moving closer to her side, I inspect her hands. The welts are all gone now.

I petted her hands. Suddenly angry, I faced Lucas, "If this happens again, I don't care how badly injured you are, you are to get her out of danger" I stated looking at him.

"Yes Alpha" he bowed.

Looking at Jade, it looked like it would be a while before she wakes up.Finally sitting on the chair beside her bed, I sigh patting her curls. She looks so pretty when she isn't threatening me.Sighing, she turned towards me and I smiled. "What are you grinning at?" Jade suddenly said trying to sit up. I feigned ignorance and changed the subject."You can't just wake up and try getting up immediately" I snapped at her, helping her to sit up slowly."What's it to you and what the hell am I doing here? Wait, what are you doing here?" She eyed me."Gosh, you're too uptight Jade. Have I ever told you that?" I asked knowing it would infuriate her. Jade ignored me and tried getting off the bed. Pushing her gently on the bed, I began speaking. "I know you have so many questions and I'm going to answer them"."Good. What's the fastest route getting out of here?" She asked.This girl is so ridiculous. I sighed.

"Jade, you just saw a werewolf, you had a shock because of it, you're not going anywhere until you're better" I told her.

"Umm, how do you know about the werewolf ?" She asked looking at me weirdly .I decided to go straight to the point, "Because I'm a werewolf and the werewolf you saw is one of the members of my pack".