I could feel my clothes tearing as I stalked out of the pack house. I shifted into my wolf almost immediately I stepped out and ran into the forest in anger. Honestly, I got really pissed at what Jeanine told me back at the pack house, watching Lucas and Jade play was what set me off. I know I instructed him to watch over her because she might be more comfortable with him seeing as she got to know him few days ago.

I just didn't..... Thinking about it again, I was just jealous.

Ughhhh, I'm so confused. My wolf isn't making things any better by growling at any friendly guy close to Jade.

I shifted back to my human form once I calmed down and decided to rest by a tree.

"Reed, you shouldn't be growling at every guy close to Jade." I told my wolf.

"Well, no guy should be close to her" He growled back.

Ughhh, I don't know why my wolf is attached to Jade, maybe its because we've known each other for a long time but I've also known Jeanine for a long time and Reed isn't attached to her like Jade.

Honestly, I just want to get over my birthday and find my mate. All these confusion should be cleared up by then.

I stood up when I smelled blood. Walking in the direction of the border where it smelled stronger, I didn't expect what I saw... I got really pissed again.

"Luke, Jesse, I need you at the border now" I mindlinked. Looking at Cade's lifeless eyes staring at me, I closed his eyes, excluding the silver dagger stuck on his chest, he looked like he was sleeping now.I heard their footsteps before they got to me.

"Is that Cade?" Luke asked. I nodded.


"The Red Rogues just declared war on this pack" I said.

"Get his body and prepare him for burial " I said to them."Yes Alpha" they both said.

I went back in the direction of the packhouse thinking up strategies we could use in defeating the Red Rogues. We have to catch the mole in the pack. Jeanine's story has confirmed my suspicions. John Black works with the Red Rogues and he is/was probably the mole.

"Get Jesse, Seth and the other warrior officials to my office now" I mindlinked Luke.

"Yes Alpha" Luke replied.Getting to the pack house, I didn't see Jade, Jeanine or Lucas as I walked up to my office. I assumed they were in their rooms as I could still make out their scents.I went into my office, waiting impatiently for the people I called.After 15 minutes, they all stepped in bowing at me in greeting "Alpha"

I nodded at them and ushered them to take their seats at the lounge area of the office.There were 3 sofas with a coffee table in the middle.

I sat on the one seater sofa.

Luke and Jesse, my Beta and Gamma respectively sat on both sofas flanked on either side of me.

Seth, our pack's Head Warrior sat beside Luke. The other officials sat beside Jesse. "Okay, I called you guys here regarding the goings-on at this pack " I stated going straight to the point. "We cannot fold our hands any longer and watch as our brothers and sisters get killed"

"For now, we increase the number of guards and warriors at every perimeter of the pack. No warrior or guard should be left alone at any guarding station. A strict curfew will be induced from now on, I have a feeling there's going to be a highlight attack with my birthday approaching " I sighed thinking about the days to come. Honestly, I really don't want a party with everything going on, it's the perfect distraction. It would make the pack an easy target.

"John Black murdered his friends and wife" I said without beating around the bush. "What, how?" Luke exclaimed.

"All the dots connect. And I'm just trying to figure out whether he's the mole or he has another person working with him" I stated. "He's the one who leaves all those letters with the bodies" I stated "Thinking, about it now. It was so odd for the Red rogues leaving abruptly the day dad died. It was like someone commanded them to leave and someone must've diverted all the guards on patrol that day"

"John Black was the only one that survived. He showed up just when I was about to die" I said. "He left the pack immediately after the incident and I don't think he ever mourned his wife and friends " Luke said piecing the dots together. "Where is John Black? " Jesse asked.

"That is the issue, he ran away and left a letter behind" I placed the letter John Black wrote on the coffee table.

After few minutes, Seth spoke up, "Woooooow, he really did his family and friends dirty".

"And he wants to kill Jade" I said tightly.

"What kind of twisted individual is he?" Luke spoke up, disgusted.

"Is he blaming her for his mate's death?" Jesse asked. "If there's anyone to be blamed for their deaths, it should be me. It doesn't make sense that he's out of her blood. She wasn't even there when the attack occurred " I said, thinking about that day. "True" Luke nodded.

"We have to be extra careful, everyone has to be security conscious. John was a very good warrior and its very obvious he hasn't lost his edge. He's going to get through anyone to kill Jade" I said. "But why didn't he kill her when she was under his roof?" Jesse asked.

"Honestly, you're right. He could've killed her after they all died" Seth said, facing me. "He probably wanted something from her and he has gotten it" I said. They all nodded. I rubbed my face in frustration. Thinking out loud again, I said "What if John is working under someone and that is the leader of the Red Rogues. What if the leader of the Red Rogues wants Jade dead?" I said moving forward in my seat. Luke snapped his fingers "That is also a very good take"

Seth gave me a very weird look. "Do you think otherwise?" I asked Seth.

"I just feel John is the leader of the Red Rogues. His mate died, there's a possibility he changed after that and he would actually want to kill the one person that looks like his wife" Seth said. That take wasn't too bad also. Jade's and Jeanine's mums were identical twins, while Jeanine resembled John. Jade took after her mum, resemblance and everything, the only gene she took from her dad was her brown skin color and curly hair.

It must've been really painful for John to see his wife all these months and at the same time, not see her. "Maybe his wolf slowly got crazy" Luke said.

"That would probably explain why he didn't kill her at first" Jesse said. I sighed "So why would he attack his friends and mate?" I asked out loud. "Maybe he was only meant to kill his friends but his wife was the variable in the equation and she died" Seth said. "Why did he save me?" I asked.

"That, I have no answer to" Seth said shaking his head. "We as a pack have to be extremely vigilant, the party is in 10 days and a lot can happen before or during my birthday " I said, looking at each and every of my trusted men in the office with me. They all nodded "Yes Alpha". After the meeting, my stomach growled while I was filing the paperwork of our new pack members. Taking that as my cue to eat, I went to the kitchen to get something in my stomach. I stopped short when I saw Jade by the fridge putting back the tub of ice cream. I didn't know how to approach her after the incident that occurred this afternoon. I started to turn back slowly so I could run out of the kitchen without Jade knowing I was in the kitchen. Her somewhat limited but heightened senses made it impossible for me when my stomach decided to growl again. She turned and faced me, picking up her cup of ice cream. I just turned my back at her and literally fled from the kitchen to my room. Whew, that was so awkward.

"No shit" Reed sniggered. "Honestly, I don't know how I put up with you" I told my wolf.

"UmmmI don't think you have a choice" Reed replied. I decided to watch a movie and of course I slept off and woke up extremely hungry. I quickly dressed for school and ran downstairs for breakfast. Mum handed me a plate heaped with pancakes as other members of the pack were trooping into the huge kitchen. I was on my 5th pancake when I remembered Jade and I had an awkward moment yesterday and I was too embarrassed to explain my reaction to her and Lucas yesterday.

The guy in question stepped into the kitchen with Jade. "I think I'm going to tell him to make himself scarce around her" Reed extended his thoughts towards me.

"Reed, we don't have any proof she's our mate, please don't make me look crazy" I told him. He grumbled an "ok" and settled down at the back of my mind. I didn't know I was glaring at Lucas as he and Jade were laughing and talking animatedly until Luke gently called my attention to me almost breaking the stainless steel fork I was holding. I decided to make myself scarce and go to school. I'm very sure Jade has many friends to help her with a lift. "Luke, make sure Jade gets to school safe" I mindlinked Luke, stalking out of the kitchen after clearing my dishes. "Someone is so whipped" Luke teased me.

I growled back at him and drove off to school alone. Why did I convince the Principal to make I and Jade's classes coincide? Few minutes later, my classmates stepped in and went to their respective seats.

The bell got rung and classes started. Throughout our classes, I ignored Jade even when I knew she was trying to talk to me. I stayed back after school to make sure everyone went home and by everyone, I mean Jade.

The few days Jade has stayed at the pack house has really brightened up my life even with John Black's letter and warning looming at the back of my mind. We really need to get the Red Rogues and John before they get Jade. I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't notice Jade was by my car until I got there. "You know you cannot ignore me forever " She said folding her arms, resting by the driver's door ensuring I didn't have any place to go unless I wanted to run away. "Why are you angry at me?" She suddenly asked after a few seconds of silence.

"I'm not angry at you" I replied her looking at my shoes suddenly interested in them. "Why are you ignoring me then?" She asked again trying to look at my eyes. I avoided her eyes as I didn't want to get sucked into her beautiful brown eyes.

"I'm not ignoring you" I answered her. "Then why can't you look at me?" she asked again getting angry.

"I'm looking at you" I replied glancing overhead and I settled at looking at a spot just beside her head. "Hades something is definitely wrong, obviously I offended you and you haven't forgiven me" she shouted. "Jade, please calm down, you haven't offended me" I held her shoulders. "Then what is it?" She asked agitated.

"Lucas said you would calm down but obviously you just get angrier every time I see you" hearing Lucas' name was what ticked me off and I got angry.

"I don't want to hear that guy's name" I said pinching the bridge of my nose. "What! What are you talking about?" Jade said.

"For the moongoddess' sake, I like you" I shouted at her.