Exploring The World Prison...

A bright flash of light blurred bray's vision slightly as he entered into the stadium through the corner. As soon as he stepped inside, he was stunned seeing that there were some people gathered ahead of the stadium.

Basically, as soon as bray stepped into the stadium, he noticed that it was different from how the one at his own prison was, in this prison's stadium there was no large forest, rather there was a small arena in the middle, around the arena in the middle some guards could be seen sitting on solid plastic material-like seats.

The arena in the middle, bray noticed, was bloodied, the smell of blood permeated throughout the whole stadium, but even with that the guards around were happily chatting and some were even eating, none of them seemed bothered by the scene ahead, not even the smell seemed to disturb them.

What is this place? Bray pondered, presently, as he stepped into the stadium, his shadowy figure was hidden in the shadowy visage cast by the light which was stationed at the top of the stadium, no one noticed a shadowy figure enter into their midst as they were all busy with their activities.

Bray glanced ahead and he abrubtly noticed that there were two guards standing side by side with a group of people. As he saw the shackles on the 30+ people he could guess that they were prisoners of the cell ahead, but as to which cell he didn't know, because there were two cells close to here, cell 9 and cell 8.

Could this be their own kind of game? Bray asked himself inwardly as he steathily moved and hid at a corner, from where he could see everything that was going on. As this moment the system alarm sounded out for the second time causing bray to look at the time spent from the corner of his eyes.

[Time elasped - one hour ten minutes.]

Bray smiled wryly and his expression become slightly stern, one could see a frown on his face if it was visible, although he wanted to truly explore this prison something wanted him to see what was going to happen here, i wonder what sort of game they are about to play, although he felt it would be something as simple as fighting eachother, he didn't know what other ideas this craxy guards might have, would they pit two against one man and call it fair?

Bray looked ahead and noticed a familiar figure there, he was stunned because he didn't think he would be here, after all this was someone bray could be said to have some sort of history with, yes, it was raphael, he was sitting in the midst of two guards, chatting happily.

Bray couldn't help bit clentch his fist seeing him, kiling intent radiating deep within him, but he managed to supress it, i wonder what ray is doing right now. Bray's thought continued to move as he waited, soon after what seemed like a couple of minutes bray saw one of the guards head up.

He looked at the man and say his stats hovering over his head, after going through the information bray discovered that the man was just at power level 80, while possessing a common ability, the earth blast. This ability just enhanced defense and could cast a blast of earth when activated at power level hundred, it was nothing much, just a b-grade ability.

As soon as the man headed up he smiled at everyone, bray noticed a glass in his hand as he raised it to everyone, "everyone, the next fighters will now come up, the 15 minutes break we gave them is enough." with a smile he turned to the guards and the next set of fighters came up, bray could see a paper in their hand.

With a guess he could tell that it was something similar to a lot paper which they too had drawn in order to pick their opponents. So for us, our games has to do with surviving due to luck while their game is surviving through brute strength? Could all the games be related? After all, someone cannot just come up with this, right?

One man walked up through the right side of the arena in the middle, there was something like a step which elevated the platform, at the other side his opponent, anothe man climbed up, looking at their stats bray immediately knew their names and also their abilities and power levels.

They are both of similar physical enhancement abilities, no wonder their figures are slightly bulky, but unfortunately the guy on the right is doomed to lose due to being 2 levels lower than the guy on the right. Power levels werent realy accounted for by much but with every increase in ones power leve there would be an increase in their stats, either by five or six different attributes points. Because of the higher power level of the man on the left, his strength and defence stats were higher than that of his opponent by about ten.

Few minutes later, just like bray had predicted, the man on the right lost but what shocked bray to the core was that after he defeated the man on the right he didn't just let him go and step out of the arena, rather he went forward and continued striking at his defenseless opponent, even when his opponent stopped moving he didn't relent and continued punching.

What the hell is wrong with him? The guy is dead already! Bray didn't understand what was happening but he had the urge to puke and at the same time he also wanted to give the guy a hell of a beating, bray restrained himself obviously, he wasn't one to act irrationally, he valued his boring life more than anything else so anything that would endanger his life, he would definitely stay clear from.

This continued until his opponent turned to meatpaste, when his opponent couldn't fight back and was confirmed dead by bray, he could no longer fight back, because of this his body could only be pummeled until his bones were crushed along with his skill, tendons and everything else.

"Hmm, that is enough, youve done nicely," the announcer guard said with a faint smile encouragingly, it was only at this moment that bray noticed that all the other guards had…

To be continued…