I Should Fake My Death?

"Some issues came up?" bray raised an eyebrow at sloven, as his gaxe inwardly became strange, is it because of me, the spy? He wanted to gain any information he could about what happened yesterday, this way he could be able to infer what had happened to him and how he had escaped.

Sloven coughed lightly, his pale face seemed to regain a bit of color for a moment, "yes, it seems a world beast attacked the planet once again."

Bray was stunned, he went outside yesterday but he didn't encounter any worldbeast, could he be lying to me? "A world beast? What the heck is that?" he turned around and asked.

"Oh, i forgot that you don't know anything about most things," what is that supposed to mean? Bray wanted to smack sloven for a moment, but he continued, "well a world beast is similar to the ones we encountered in the previous race of death game."

Oh right, there were creatures like beast in the previous game, bray recalled vividly what sloven was talking about, i guess i must have been too agitated about the answers that i might have forgotten something as important as that, so that is what a world beast is, but i didn't see anything like that yesterday.

Seeing bray remain silent, sloven took it as sign to continue, "when the world beasts attacked yesterday, it caused the formation to be activated automatically to protect the planet,"

Bray interrupted him, sloven's made-up story didn't seem to make sense, i might agree that a world beast attacked but why would it suddenly attack a planet? "Why did the beast suddenly attack this planet?"bray asked, looking at sloven intently.

"The beast attacked naturally because it sensed the abundant life-force on this planet, basically, world beasts love to devour life-force, with such an abundance of life force in this planet, they would definitely want to devour it,"

"Hmm, i get it but what does that have to do with interrupting the guard that was supposed to meat you yesterday, i mean, the higher ups could take care of t he beast, cuoldnt they?" bray asked in confusion.

"It turns out that the formation ended up getting drained of its mana causing it cast an auto-mana-drain wave, im sure you might have felt some weakness in your body at some point during the nights, right?" sloven asked.

Bray nodded calmly but inwaadly he was shocked, so that is what caused my mana to be drained abrubtly? And here i thought that someone had attacked me, what shit luck i have, and to think my luck points is actually at 50+ bray shook his head slightly.

"Because of that," sloven replied seeing bray's affirmative nod, "the guard had to go and check the surroundings, because during such times there are usually beast that sneak in through cracks in the formation."

Bray was once again confused by what sloven was explaining, "cracks in the formation?" he questioned, tilting his head to the side.

"Yeah, a world beast can be as large as a planet so there are usually smaller beast that feeds off it, just like insects, we may call them, but these insects to these world beasts can be the sixe of a human or larger. During the time the formation absorbs mana from everyone in the planet, there can be beasts that sneak in and can cause harm so most of the guards have to check the surrounding to ensure that none sneaked in.

"I get it now," bray nodded in understanding, at the same time he couldn't help but imagine a world beast the sixe of this large red planet, his mind wandered to the beasts that killed many prisoners in the race of death game, are those considered the so-called insects? Bray shook his head, he was truly too weak compared to most creatures in this apocaliptic world.

"Alright, it seems that is all for our discussion today, i need to make some contacts, besides here is how the plan to head to a new cell would go." sloven's expression suddenly became solemn as he spoke, his pale face seemed to highten his emotions.

Bray noticed the change and nodded insinuating that he was listening attentively, causing sloven to continue.

"You will have to fake your death." he spoke a single sentence but this cause bray to furrow his brow, fake my death? Could someone fake their death in this world prison?

Noticing bray's change in expression he continued, "this is different, if it was changing from cell number 0 to another cell, it would be easy but this is changing from prison cell nnumber 10 to another cell, you will need to fake your death, and i know the best possible place for you to do that."

"Where exactly?" bray asked, still not convinced of the idea of faking his own death, he didn't like where this plan was heading.

"In the next race of death game." sloven said calmly, although his slightly trembling, pale face couldn't hide his nervousness.

"In the next race of deathgame?" bray seemed to come to an understanding, so basically, what he wants me to do is to pretend as though a world beast had injured me to death, after that i wonder what would happen next.

"Yes, what is going to happen is that you will pretend to die to a beast attack while tossing your plaque at me, i would shoulder the aattacks of them all, after that, when theguards in charge of clearing the dead bodies come you will be able to head over to the next prison cell as a new prisoner."

Hearing his explanation bray nodded, but at the same time there were so many flaws with this plan that he couldn't begin to count them, still, he decided to go along with it, i am not jsut doing this for the sake of getting the man we need, i need all the strength i can get, heading to another cell is the only way to increase my strength greatly once again, by copying all their abilities for myself! Bray encouraged himself while steeling his resolve.

To be continued…