
The dilapidated apartment remained vivid in his memory. When Dwayne was six years old, it was just him and his mother living in a small apartment.

Since his mother had to work to support the two of them, she was often out of the house. Whenever Dwayne was left alone, he would go outside and invite the big brother next door to play.

Most of the time, the big brother was in the backyard waiting for him. He would always be crouched in front of the big tree feeding the cats.

The picture of big brother crouched down under the tree with cats surrounding him always stuck in his mind. But as years pass by, he has forgotten his face. 

But one detail remained clear—whenever this big brother looked at him from above, Dwayne was mesmerized by his deep grey eyes. As a child, he believed it was the most beautiful sight in the world.