
Sarah was stunned at Nathan's actions. 

She was sitting still like a statue, with her mouth slightly open. Nathan took advantage of this and directly spoonfed her with the porridge. 

It was hot to the tongue but it did not cause her pain. It was the amiable hotness that she can withstand to savor the flavor of porridge. 

Sarah swallowed the whole spoon of porridge and did not hesitate to ask. 

"Why do you have that?"

Nathan looked down to the envelope he held in his left hand. 

"Oh this? The waiter in the cafe we frequently go give this to me. Yesterday, he found you lying unconscious inside the boutique and it seemed to have drop so he picked it up. That young man also collapsed after carrying you out. He said he found that letter in his person so he came here earlier to check on you and give it back. "

Nathan explained as he feed her with another spoon. 

"So,... have you read it?"