
''I'm sorry senior. I have somewhere to go. Maybe next time.''

''Oh...'' The enthusiastic smile on Senior Zack's face turned into disappointment. But after a few seconds, he regained them again. 

He ruffled Dwayne's hair and nodded.

''No need to worry.'' Senior Zack assured him.

He and his other friends escorted Dwayne to the gate where bikes are parked at the side. After they saw him went to the south gate, Zack and his friends went to the opposite direction to go for a barbeque.

And now, Dwayne was sitting in the passenger seat with Raven who just adjusted the seatbelt for him. His face was slightly red. 

When Raven lean closer to him, Raven stared at him with his sharp grey eyes. Dwayne was captivated that he could not look away. He just stared at him as if possessed. 

His mouth was parted slightly.

He then felt someone's warm fingers caressed his upper and lower lips before it briskly left.