
"So Mr. Cole did not say anything about what she thinks about her as a person? Like a possible romantic partner...?"

Without any warning, Raven placed his big hands over Dwayne's soft curls and messed them until it becomes unruly.

"Those are affairs of the adults. Stop minding them." 

"I am an adult." Dwayne protested but Raven ignored his words and continued to pat his head. 

"Since when have you become so curious of other people's love life? You could not even took a hint when you're given one."

Dwayne looked up behind Raven's big palm on his hair, his head tilting to the side. 

"What do you mean big brother?" As if realizing something he gasp. Raven stared at his reaction, his heart skip a beat. 

Could it be...?

"Big brother, are you saying that Mr. Cole liked Sister Lyla? Is that what you are trying to hint earlier?"