
It seemed this room where he will be settling in also has balcony.

And Cole meticulously arranged the flowers in the same way he arranged them back in his apartment.

"Uhm, Mr. Cole I can - I can do this. Let me arrange all of them in this room. Thank you for bringing all of them here." Dwayne hurriedly expressed his thanks.

 Dwayne was embarrassed that Cole has to pack all of his belongings. He doesn't think he will have enough courage to face him if he also let Cole arranged his things in this room.

At least, to maintain his dignity he will do it by himself.

Dwayne awkwardly smiled at the men who was about to unpack his things. He took his things from their hands and drag the boxes into the opposite corner of where they are standing.

Under their eyes, he began unpacking the clothes and his furniture they pack in a box for him.