Don't need

Luna could only observe them in the spot. Her eyes followed Alice like a hawk before she smiled at Lance.

"Come on now, try to put on the combat suit so that we can know the percentage of your compatibility with it."

Luna walked in the direction to where Rudy and his friends are, leaving Alice and Lance.

"Hey, what did she say?"

Alice shook her head. "Nothing. She want me to try on the Combat Suit. That's all."

Lance believed her. It was such a brief exchange. And Alice is not the easiest person to approach with. Still, he wanted to warn her.

"You be careful with her. I caught her staring at you ten times just today."


"She must have a crush on you and sees me as a rival." Alice smiled slightly.


"She glanced in your way thirteen times. Didn't you notice?" 

Lance was stunned.

"Noo way. Are you kidding me?"