Her father laugh. "Okay, go ahead. But be careful. I know you are skilled but sometimes spells can be chaotic and dangerous to deal with. You have to exercise caution."
The gates of the Nightless City opened up. The royal guards patrolling the place rejoice at the sight of their king and the princess. But deeply frown upon the whereabouts of the armies that came with the king.
Under the king's command, the men who forsake them are captured immediately. It must be due to shock from witnessing one of their own killed and turn into a monster that not one of the men captured are in their right state of mind.
They are too shaken to speak, their minds went nuts.
All the faery nomads are curious about what really happened back there. Hence the king made a public announcement. He presented to the public the fight that took place. Through the spell he enchanted he showed them a live feed through the transparent looking crystals.