"Yes! My mother said I should place it on your altar Your Highness, but I know you can no longer eat it fresh if I did." Lotus cakes are delicious when eaten immediately. The boy hastily opened the see-through container. The delicious smell of the freshly baked lotus cake entered Ava's nostrils.
All around them, the crowd is silent, watching this strange event unfold in the middle of the merry celebration.
The older sister of the girl scrambled to her feet and approached them. She made a grab for her little brother's hand to set him aside. She was utterly shaken. The princess is supposed to be on the tall platform descending with the queen and king to sit on the palanquin.
How come she's here? This was impossible. Her little brother is too nave to come to the princess too. The faery girl can feel her spine shivering just seeing the sight of her little brother's full of grime hands scraping dirt off the pure silk silvery dress of the Princess.