The Towering Mirrors

[ Time: 1:50:03 ]

As the darkness disappeared, Sung Min found himself in a pitch bright room, surrounded by towering mirrors. Each time he looked at one of the mirror, he saw himself, but a different version, a kid, a teenager, an old man each with an uncanny resemblance to him. They all were banging on the transparent mirror from the inside like its a barrier stopping them from getting out. 

The ball appeared in front of him, he turned to the mirror closest to him, it was 4 years old him in the reflection, crying and banging on the mirror. 

"I see, they want to distract me with all this," Sung Min moved with the ball, avoiding eye contact with any of the mirrors. 

"You let me down!!" A voice from the mirror yelled out. 

"You let us all down!" 

"You promised success but all you brought is failure!!" 

"You Failure!!!!"
