
The locker room was burning with the fury of Momyung's players, voices rose, fists slammed on walls, insults hurled, mostly at the referee and the opposing team. 

"I am not going back there if that referee is still officiating that match." Choi Kang Ta said. 

"If we don't go back, then we are automatically forfeiting the match, which is exactly what they want." The captain replied him. 

"We are not cowards!!" Cho Hyun thundered, "the dude that broke my nose will lose an eye when I step back into that pitch." 

"I understand all of you," Kim Na Na said calmly, "it turns out we have a blind referee. If you don't want to go back there, signify, and I will sub you out Immidiately." 

She waited, and no hand was raised, even Choi Kang Ta that threatened to leave remained silent.