The Split

"Dad did you know that an ant is stronger than an elephant?" A boy, not older than seven walked out of the gate of an exquisite mansion, wearing a school uniform and a back pack. It was very early in the morning, and an older man walked out right after the boy. 

"How so?" The man asked as the boy skipped forward to a car parked right by the fence. The car was a black, spotless Bentley that glistened under the morning light. 

"An ant can carry loads eight times its weight, while an elephant can't even lift its own weight up. So an ant is stronger." The boy opened the door of the front sit, and slid on to the sit. 

"Ants exists only to be stepped on by elephants." The man said to himself as he opened the driver's door and sat down on the driver's sit and turned on ignition. 

"The day an ant beats an elephant in a fight, that's the day I'll believe that it's stronger than an elephant." He said to the kid as he drove off.