
The Arscenal representatives arrived for the meeting a week later, the stage was already set. The two Arscenal representatives was already in the chairman's office when the two, Sung Min and Beongju walked in. A man and a woman, they shook hands with each other. 

"I'm Alisha Bernat," the woman said as she shook hands with them. 

"And I am Braydon Belman," the man added.

"Welcome to South Korea," Beongju said with a smile, "hope you're enjoying your stay here." 

"Oh yes, me first time here," the man smiled, "Koreans are very lovely people." 

"The Kimchi tasted better than it sounded," The lady said with a smile. 

"If Kimchi tasted that good to you, then I doubt you'll want to go back to England after you eat our better delicacies." Said Beongju as they all sat down. 

"I look forward to going out to have that meal with you," The lady replied.