Ch. 201: The Little Talks
I looked at Persephone and smiled, I was wondering where she was in the story. Originally Hades looked on the mortal realm to see her, mesmerised by her beauty he abducted her and tied her to his realm as a prisoner till she became his wife.
He only let her leave and see her mother once a year, this made Demeter resent him even more than she already did. Seeing her here I could understand why he did that, she was very beautiful. Maybe even on par with Hera and Persephone.
"You little brat stop making Hades feel uncomfortable." Hera said as she settled into one of her chairs and sighed.
Persephone sighed and sidestepped giving me room to explore the extravagant room even with more ease. "You're the Hades huh?"
I walked up to a corner of the wall, it was painted white and had a large mural of Hera dressed in red and sitting on a silver throne, she carried her usual air of importance and might.