Chapter 38: A Deadly Shopping Spree

This list … it's unbelievable.

It's a good thing that the planned "robbery" is a trap, otherwise we'd all really be in trouble. We'd be falling into Tartarus, the Greek underworld, without a lifeline.

I scan the list.

* Cosmic Eggs (12)

* Replica of the Armor of Achilles

* One lightning bolt from Zeus

* One of the shields called Dubán, Cu Chulainn's shield

* A piece of Srivasta, the Shield of Vishnu

* One pair of fast-walker boots from Russian folklore.

* Robe of the Fire-Rat

* Goliath's Sword

* Sigurd's sword that he took from Fafnir

* Sword of Peleus

* Piece of the Hindu Staff of Death

* The Titan Cronus' scythe

* Phoenix feather

* Amenonuhoko—the Japanese Heavenly Jewelled Spear used to create the world

* Han Feizi's spear

* Axe of Labrys used to slice open Zeus' head and free Athena

* Saintly Crossbow of the Supernaturally Luminous Golden Claw

* One of the God Maui's fishhooks

* A Wish Ring

* The original Hope Diamond, stolen from a statue of the Goddess Sita, wife of Rama

* Flaming pearl from a dragon

* Sun Wukong's staff

Any one of these, in the wrong hands, or in just an average person's hands, would spell disaster. Good thing I only intended to use them as bait.

"Are you sure about selling these, Tumnus?" I asked. "Some of them can be deadly."

I know that they will be. Any of the weapons could devastate our world. The other artifacts will cause a lot of problems.

Tumnus shrugs. "The Hope Diamond is known to be cursed, and yet you mortals don't have a problem buying it."

I wince, thinking about the rock that no one ever wants to use in an engagement ring. Although socialite Evelyn Walsh McLean created the world's most expensive doggie collar from the Hope Diamond sometimes. Her Great Dane wore the gem sometimes. King Louis XIV, the Sun King, owned the diamond, and all but one of his kids died. The king's mistress, Madame de Montespan, was plagued by misfortune too.

"You're talking about the second Hope Diamond that's safely in the Smithsonian," I correct. "This original one is cursed, too?"

"Well, sure, you don't steal from a sacred statue and get away with it," Tumnus replies. "But I have buyers for all of these."

He whips out an iPad and shows me the list of buyers. Some are on the Dark Web. Some are just private buyers. A few are military dictators. And at least one U.S. Senator is interested in the mythological artifacts. I'm glad the senator doesn't represent California. We have enough crazy politicians. Some of us still can't live down Arnold Schwarzenegger's time as governor.

"Please, don't let this senator acquire anything on this list," I beg Tumnus.

He scoffs. "That senator just wants something to hang on the wall, like people buy samurai swords as decoration."

"Maybe so, but anything that makes elected officials more powerful is bad," I point out.

Tumnus rolls his eyes. "They have all the power they need, and if many of them used the extent of that power, it would be a very different world. One trinket isn't going to matter."

Of course, if this sting operation succeeds. that senator will never get the object of power, and Tumnus and his little cult won't be feeling sunny.

Daji keeps a smile plastered on her face, but the bond doesn't lie. She absolutely loathes his behavior. She'd like to hurl him up into the sun, and as the fox spirit, she might just do it.

"I do have one problem with our assignment," she says. "My nephew's staff. Can't you just use a replica of it?"

Tumnus rubs his bearded chin. "I've tried that, believe me. But let's just say that your nephew has left a trail of bruised egos and even more battered bodies."

Daji's eyes narrow. "So, the buyer is one of his enemies? Doesn't narrow the field."

Tumnus snorts. "These people, except for the senator, don't use their real names. And honestly, just as your uncle has transmigrated over the years, so have his enemies. You wouldn't even recognize them if they came up and said hello."

"I'd smell them," Daji asserts boldly. "I can smell spirit. A person's spirit is like a fingerprint. It's individual and unique. It doesn't matter how many times these enemies transmigrate. My nephew can sense them, and I can smell them."

I mentally run through a list of Sun Wukong's enemies. Unless Erlang Shen is great at concealing his true intentions, it's not him, but there are plenty of other contenders. Erlang Shen is like Sun Wukong's brother.

Laozi is a really strong contender. But everyone else knows him as Lao Tzu, author of the Tao Te Ching. I hate the idea that one of the founders of a Chinese philosophical tradition embraces by millions is also willing to work with a crime ring. Maybe it's not him. Laozi is a reputed opponent of Sun Wukong, yes, but not an unjust one. He's in the same league as Buddha, who smacked down Wukong.

I voice my opinions, and Daji smacks me. "Laozi??? You think that the founder of Taoism is some kind of criminal stealing my nephew's staff?"

"I had to rule out even the likeliest of suspects," I say defensively. "Tumnus, we can't get the staff for you. It'd break Sun Wukong's heart. You have no idea how he polishes that staff and takes care of it. He even sleeps with it sometimes, I bet."

Daji nods fervently. "There's got to be something else your buyer would be equally satisfied with. Please. My nephew nearly got smashed to bits by Thor. He's still healing."

Tumnus grunts. "His own fault. He knows fighting in the halls is against the rules."

"And stealing isn't?" Daji says, hands on her hips.

Tumnus stomps his feet. "This collector is not someone I can disappoint!"

Daji's impulsivity gets the better of her. "Then let us negotiate with whoever it is. We'll get them anything else."

Tumnus' eyes narrow. "Daji, I'd advise you to let this go."


Even though she's jeopardizing our entire mission, I side with her on this.

Tumnus blinks. "I'm sorry?"

"He's family," I growl. "I won't betray him."

Tumnus stares at me, beady-eyed. "As opposed to stealing from the Thomas family legacy, I suppose. Interesting how your loyalties have changed because Daji staked her claim and got her claws into you."

As Daji's sharp claws descend on Tumnus with a scream through the air, I block her with a solid gold serving tray stamped with "The Wendigo Inn" with the logo engraved. "Daji, he's right. I'm a hypocrite. But I want to find a solution that works for everyone."

Hissing, Daji pounds the serving tray, her sharp claws denting the surface. "It'll work for everyone if this little kleptomaniac stays away from Sun Wukong."

Holding up his hands, Tumnus says, "I'll get you an audience with the client, who likes to come here to worship and will be participating in the Sunset Service this evening, if you can stay for our devotionals."

Daji and I glance at each other, and we both agree. "This is part of the inn's outreach to the community," I say confidently. "Obviously, this temple and the inn have a relationship. I'm sure many sun deities stay at our inn-Apollo is a friend, from what Athena says."

"Apollo often comes here as well," Tumnus confides. "He loves our vibrant spirit. He considers us a beacon of light in this world. You may see him this evening."

I grin. I have yet to meet Apollo personally, and I'm looking forward to the man who defied Zeus to protect Asclepius. There is some weird history with Athena, reputedly. Apollo got handsy. Yet she doesn't seem to hate his guts. Could that particular myth be wrong?

I look at the list of the buyers of the items. Except for the US Senator, I don't recognize many of the names. But the interested buyer of Sun Wukong's staff is named Phoebe Summer. I'll find something that will delight Phoebe Summer.

Daji and I help prepare for the Sunset Service, and we stand there as greeters, smiling. Tumnus pulls us aside. "Buyer is here. Last row near the Eye of Ra mosaic."

The main temple features a golden statue of the sun at the altar and could fit the guests and staff of my entire inn. Daji and I walk past rows of padded golden benches before we reach the back row.

We're amazed to see who the buyer is. He grins at us. "Ah, Mr. Thomas. Athena speaks very highly of you."

My mouth drops open. "Apollo?"