Chapter 42: Bad Guys Caught

Bureaucracy is the same even if you're dealing with the Mythical Cops. I spend the rest of the day giving my statement to Inspector Kryptosia and filling out forms. Helpfully, Daji returns the artifacts to the collection.

We feel like a team for the first time, not just mates. Without her, I never could have pulled this off. I owe Daji. One reason I warn Apollo to bring back Sun Wukong's staff in mint condition. Period. 

Apollo gives me a smile that's pure sunshine. "Don't worry. After what you did today for the balance, my friend, I'll do anything you ask."

"The balance?"

"Between order and chaos, good and evil," he replies. "Everything is about balance. That's the secret to life and the universe. Just ask the Druid Gods like Danu, Brigid, Ceridwen, Deirdre, the Dadga, Manannán Mac Lir, and others."

I nod, remembering those names in the guestbook and the old computer. "And Cernunnos?"