Chapter 51: The Original Green Goddess

Demeter's palace looks like a fall festival threw up. Harvest-themed decor everywhere. I smell the fresh scents of eco-friendly products being created. Demeter escorts us through the while marble hallways into a light and airy solarium where hundreds of nymphs and servants labor, mixing concoctions I can only guess at. 

"Welcome to the original Green Goddess headquarters," I say aloud.

Demeter chuckles. "I like that. That's going to be my new slogan. 'The Original Green Goddess.' I've never asked for royalties on that famous dressing. I like to think I was the inspiration, although I've had many friendly arguments with the Goddess Danu over the years about who the Green Goddess really is."

I tease her. "So, are we talking about a Judgment of Paris situation?"

Demeter throws back her head and laughs, an earthy sound. "No ... just a friendly rivalry."