Chapter 60: Insult to Injury

I am going to strangle Lamashtu when I see her again.

"Are dream accounts admissible as evidence?"

Kryptosia has about as much facial expression as a marble statue, but from the look on her face, this is a stupid question. "Of course."

"Do I need proof? I didn't have a phone recording it.:

She waves away the question. "Tell me what happened, and don't leave anything out."

It's right at the moment that I realize Kryptosia wants to nail Lamashtu's ears to the wall. Daji wasn't joking about the Celestial Realms being furious with Lamashtu and the Consortium.

"There's a lot of pressure on you to prove her wrong, isn't there?" I ask softly, watching as a butterfly flits from flower to flower.

Kryptosia's face hardens, if that's possible. "All the gods want her punished, and that's rare. Do you know how astronomically improbable it is for gods to agree on anything?"

"Not quite a snowball's chance in hell, I'd think. But almost."