Chapter 64: Loki, the Master Schemer


I can't believe what I'm hearing. 

It's nuts.

In contrast, Daji nods slowly, a small, foxy smile on her face. "It might work, Loki. This is your best, most ingenious idea in centuries."

"OUT OF THE QUESTION," I shout. "Pretending to cooperate with Tumnus was one thing. This? This is completely wacko. Not to mention that there's a bench warrant out for Lamashtu's arrest."

Odin leans over, resting his hands on the table, glowering at me. The one-eyed death stare is a complete equalizer. "My son is of sound mind, thank you. DON'T insult an Asgardian unless you want to back that up in combat, innkeeper or no. And we'll talk to Kryptosia. I think she was a bit too hasty rejecting your plan."

My mouth opens and closes, and I look at Loki, hoping for a bright, blinding revelation that will make all of this clear. I'm looking for sanity. "Okay. Explain it to me as if I'm ten."