Chapter 66: A Unique Bridal Experience

Persephone's touch is everywhere, even in this palace that would make a horror movie vampire shudder. Hades sits on a couch, with Persephone next to him, just like in the myth of Hades and Persephone/Proserpine. 

Daji and I sit on a soft couch facing them, while Hades' servants flit about. They look ghostly. I wonder if some of the souls get paroled to serve Hades and Persephone for all eternity.

Hades smiles at Daji and me. "You walk through the valley of the shadow of death, to quote the Christian Bible. I could tell you what the translation is in Greek."

I take a sip of wine from an ornate drinking vessel carved with Hades' symbols--the keys, the cornucopia, the white poplar, the dog, the serpent, the screech owl, and the black horse. "Later, Hades."