The ballroom is so full for the awards banquet that the satyrs, fauns, pixies, and Tullamore Tom have to walk between people's legs to get anywhere. I envy them right now.
Daji, Wukong, Gram, Gramps, Mom, Dad, Tina, Damon, Jocelyn, and I sit at Rokaci's table for the awards ceremony. We've all had our fill of good food. The plates are picked clean, and some of us leisurely eat our dessert while Rokaci makes his way to the podium. Once he's there, he cuts a dashing figure in a shimmery silver vest. He's not wearing pants, but with a tail the size of a sturdy tree limb, that would be tricky.
He's a master of sales. He just got us to agree to a trade in exchange for having a dance party at the awards banquet. It's a win-win-win trade. We had an emergency session of the board, and the "Ayes" had it before I even finished presenting his proposal.