Chapter 81: Cleaning Out Slime

Daji follows me around while I check the rest of the hotel. She doesn't question my need to do this, and the staff pretty much ignores us--this is Wendigo normal by now. I do get a few sly tongue-in-cheek whispers: "Well, he's still alive after a 'wedding night' with HER."

There's quite a bit of admiration for this seemingly impossible feat. And if I was ever completely ingenuous about what the inn's staff knows, this incident would serve as a total reality check. My staff is privy to EVERYTHING that goes on. Everything. As in, they know where the bodies are buried--and probably my family's secrets. 

Daji points this out, as if I didn't know that my staff is awesome. "Your staff believes you and trusts you. They'd lie for you, even if it was the last action of their lives."

I roll my eyes. "The fauns and the immortals on staff will probably be around when we're all connected through implants in our heads and we've become a global hive-mind."