Chapter 91: My Parents Check In

I put my parents on the same floor as our suite, closer to Athena's room than the Asgardians' rooms. Athena is far quieter, and she's the Goddess of Wisdom. They'll get along famously with her. 

Ashton and Davina Thomas look awed as they behold the accommodations--the spacious living room, the fresh flowers everywhere. "Oh, Ash," my mother gushes. "Orchids, my favorite. I love this place."

Pigsy finishes putting the pots of orchids in strategic places. "You can't have them in direct sunlight," he says. "They'll die." He gives my parents a sunny grin. "Welcome to the Wendigo. I feel terribly about putting you nice people in sacks. Anything you need while you're here, you just ask. Name's Pigsy. Well, really, Zhu Bailie, but everyone just calls me Pigsy. I'll leave you to it now."

My flustered parents mutter thank-yous and Pigsy slips out. "Nice chap," my father observes.