Chapter 93: A Nice Juicy Steak

The restaurant is packed with happy diners. I swear that since we kicked the Consortium's butt to the curb, our hotel is more crowded than ever. Gods, as much as anyone else, love a winner--and they hated the Consortium trying to take over their favorite vacation spot. 

Loki, Thor, and Odin, as well as Sigyn, are at one of the tables in the center. Odin waves us over with a smile.

My father gawks. "Are those gentlemen Odin, Thor, and Loki?"

"You got it. With Loki's wife Sigyn," I say. "Come on, I'll introduce you. They're on our Executive Committee. Loki's a genius at strategy."

We walk over, and the Asgardians stand to greet us. I introduce my parents, and Loki scans them for several moments, studying every little detail. Thor pushes past him, and nearly pulverizes my parents' hands with a handshake. "An honor to meet you. I have often wondered why you were absent--"

"BROTHER," Loki says, exasperated. "Stuff that hammer in your mouth."