Chapter 95: Mothman

The same creatures that made my dad run inside the house as a kid are now menacing me. Through the thick veil of night, I can't see whether Mr. Mothman came all by his/her lonesome or brought friends. 

"Maybe they're trying to foretell our doom," I mutter, transfixed by the Mothman. "What ARE they? Some people think they're Galactics ..."

"No. They're an ancient race of insect/bird mothlike creatures. And although they're dangerous, they do have a role to play in the world."

The beating of the Mothman's wings sets my teeth on edge. "But they wanted to kidnap my father for the Consortium, didn't they?"

"Possibly ... or warn him."

My mind reels. "Warn him?"

"Of disaster. Above all, the Mothman creatures appear when they want to foretell a tragedy. Although they do sometimes work for the Consortium--"

"Wait, you're saying they're double agents?"

"More like mercenaries--with a mission," Daji explains, her hand on my arm.