Chapter 106: Awkward Questions

My heart pounds.

Until I talk to Tina's mother in the Underworld, I can't let Tina know that her mother is probably a permanent resident. 

"I don't know," I say honestly, which is the truth. "I don't know why she left you--it must have been the hardest thing she'd ever done."

She's unnaturally calm, stroking Krakthulhu's tentacle. He doesn't freak her out in the least.

"But was there anything ... magical about it? Godly? A flash of light? Did she fall through a portal? Did some winged god swoop down and grab her?"

Where does she get these ideas?

And even more terrifying, why are they so close to the truth? Or at least to the facts in the case? I have to remind myself that Tina is a starseed.

I take a deep breath. "Was there anything unusual that happened?"