Chapter 113: Out of the Question!

A few minutes later, I glare at Tina, and look at her mother for support.

"NO, Tina, you can't be the bait to lure your father in."

Tina crosses her arms. "And just who is going to be the bait?"

Odin coughs. "You have plenty of gods here who can craft illusions, Tina."

Rolling her eyes, Tina says, "If my dad put a curse on Daji, do you really think he's going to be fooled by some illusion? He knows me. I'll give the bastard that. He's a human lie detector."

I point out, "I fooled Lamashtu when she asked something unacceptable of me--"

Tina's eyes were wide. "What?"

She may be a starseed and mature for her age, but I gloss over the subject. "She wanted to marry me."

"Polygamy?" Tina asks, indignant. "How could she think you'd do that to Daji?"

Waverly laughs a rollicking sailor's laugh. "Why do you think she lost?"

Tina looks at me in awe. "But you fooled her?"