Chapter 125: Tiamat Bros & Co

Daji and I, dangling from Lahmu's meathooks, stare into his bushy-bearded face. Every creased line, every freckle, his bulbous nose, all of it is committed to memory. 

"Lahmu," Daji says softly. "Put us down, please."

"HA-HA-HA! Since you little ones ask so nicely, I will."

He sets us both down, grinning down at us. My ears are still ringing from his laughter, and from the howling winds. Thumping the back of my skull with my fingers, I wait for my hearing to improve.

Ugallu sniffs at me with his large lion nose. "You're not hurt?"

Daji holds onto me. "He's taken a lot of punishment in the last month or so. Lamashtu--"

Every last one of the Tiamat Bros, as I've just nicknamed them, makes angry sounds. 

"What did she do?" barks Uridummu, who seems alright, sort of like a feral pit bull or Rottweiler who can be friendly if he feels safe.