Chapter 128: A Delivery Device

How do you deliver poisoned blood?

Kusarikku pours the blood into a flask, while his scorpion brother eyes it critically. The half-bull and half-scorpion make a formidable pair. But they also look like the world's biggest nerds, eyeing the flask like science geeks.

"Is that everything?" Girtablullû, the scorpion-man, asks.

"The bowl is empty," Kusarikku says in a very bovine way. He just sounds like a bull.

"Are you sure you got it all this time?" Girtablullû asks. "Last time--"

"THAT was just a trial run," Kusarikku reminds him. They sound like little brothers bickering. "It was a facsimile of Marduk. A replica."

Girtablullû dances around on his scorpion feet. Seriously, his dark scorpion body unnerves me. Growing up in California, I always avoid scorpions. And black widows. Even though Girtablullû seems like an okay guy, the scorpion thing is hard to get past. "He killed us--"