Chapter 151: Wendigo Aftermath

Damon taps his foot impatiently while we wait for Tina on the terrace. "Where is she?"

"Saying goodbye to her boyfriend," Jocelyn answers with patience.

"He could come with us," Damon mutters. "Rather than hold us up. I'd like to start my new life sometime this year. Van, Daji, you seem to have a way with my daughter, can you light a fire under her?"

Obnoxious man. But he has a point! The djinns are allowed at the Wendigo. Shodfui could come with us.

Unless ...

Daji and I retrace our steps through Arabian splendor and follow the distinct sounds and scents of a teenage makeout session.

In one of the rooms filled with carpets and ottomans and temptation, Shodfui is wrapped around Tina tighter than Spandex. His lips are on hers, and she protests in between kisses, "We should really go."

"Must we?"

She groans. "YES. I've been away ever so long."

"It's only been three days or so."