Chapter 153: Us, Judases?


These Mothmen just want to mess with us. 

"That's impossible," I scoff.

Daji grips my arm. "And I've had enough of him being in a child's guise. It's time to end the nightmare. YOU will leave us alone."

The Mothmen's wings beat fast and furious, like thunder, and that horrible screeching sound splits the air. Gram Adella shouts from inside, "What is all that racket? You call that noise music? You're going to give everyone on the block a headache!"

I call out in my little-boy-Dad voice, "Grandma, it's just the neighborhood kids messing around. Why don't I come in for dinner?"

Daji grabs my hand, and I notice she now appears to be a cute little girl with pigtails wearing a T-shirt with a fox on it. "Come on. We're wasting our time."