Chapter 165: The Mythical Equivalent of a Tupperware Party

Sitting at the swim-up bar at eleven o'clock in the morning the next day I have to check my hearing. Between sips of coconut juice, I ask, "Rokaci, let me see if I understand you. You want to close down the Celestial Cafe and have the inn host the mythical equivalent of a Tupperware party?"

"PLEASE." The wyvern sucks whitish liquid through a straw. "Tupperware? You insult me. The M.O.S.A.I.C. is the first and only gathering of mythical artifact vendors in the world. Mythical Object Sellers Alliance Interdimensional Conference."

I raise my eyebrows. "A trade show."

"Yes, so we won't overtax your limited human brain."

"Ha ha ha. Have your heard from Corvuz, the guy who tried to--"

Rokaci spits fire. "Corvuz? Never heard of him. That name is so foreign to me. Certainly he's not blacklisted by MOSAIC and every self-respecting wyvern of my acquaintance."