Chapter 182: Floral Mischief

Picking flowers to make wine with. Piece of cake. How hard could that be?

We leave the palace in the big spreading monkey puzzle tree in search of red campion. To get to the ground floor, we take a lift lowered up and down by squirrels. I had no idea squirrels worked so hard at anything other than storing nuts for the winter. They chatter while they work the pulleys and cables. The elevator is made of wood and bronze, and it takes me a minute to realize it's a recycled lantern. How ingenious. So in the squirrel labor. Their little paws pull the ropes constantly.

"Do they work for peanuts?" I quip.

Lowan snickers, but Berry responds seriously. "Fruits, nuts, room and board, and protection. They are treated well. If they feel disrespected ... well ... they will gnaw through the ropes, and pretty much chew up everything."

Instantly, Lowan stops laughing, and Gram elbows me sharply.

"Good to know," I comment.